Kids Mic

Hills Kids

Raising children with the zeal to follow Jesus

“Bring the children unto me,” Jesus said. At Hills Kids, we believe kids are the perfect vessels to bring about the continuation of God’s message on earth. We believe the next important place apart from the home to teach children to love God and others is the church.

We work with parents who are primary custodians and teachers of the kids and the pastoral leadership at Ecclesia Hills to equip our children to be nurtured and well established in God and for them to positively impact the world around them even from an early age.

Ecclesia Kids Interactive Bible Lessons

Fun Bible Principles

Learning at the Hills Kids is a fun experiencing

We bring Bible teachings to our kids using creative and engaging fun ways including Bible challenges, fun quizzes and other interactive media.

We always ensure that the Hills Kids are properly engaged in the journey to understanding the teachings of Christ and how it applies to their growth as young Christians.